Haris Candiloros was born in 1960, in Athens, Greece.
He attended the Marcos Tsouris Educational Institute in Vrilissia and the 2nd High School for Boys in Athens.
He continued his education in France from the 1st to the 6th year (PCEM & DCEM) in the Medical School of “Lariboisiere Saint-Louis” of the University Paris VII and successfully passed the qualifying examination “Concours C de l’ Internat” in 1987.
He completed his specialization as “Interne des Hopitaux” in the Medical School of the University of Nancy. The semesters of practice were carried out in the Clinics of Diabetology at the Hospitals of Toul (Service de Diabetologie, maladies Metaboliques, maladies de la Nutrition, Pr Debry, Pr Drouin), of Nancy (Service d’ Endocrinology, Pr Hartemann, Pr Leclere), of Paris (Service d’ Endocrinologie, Pr Lubetzki, Pr Warnet and Service de Medecine Interne, Pr Rouffy) and of Thionville (Service d’ Endocrinologie, Dr Malinsky).
Apart from his doctorate (Doctorat d’ Etat) and the degree of Expertise in Endocrinology (Diplome d’ Etudes Specialisees) he then gained two further degrees in nutrition (Diplome d’ Etudes Approfondies και Diplome d’ Etudes Specialisees Complementaire).
He was a researcher in INSERM of Nancy from 1992 to 1995 in the field “Groupe de recherches sur les interactions moleculaires aux interfaces”. The object of the study was related to the changes of the membrane cell in metabolic diseases.
He was given the post of tutor in the University of Nancy in 1992 and taught at the Medical School courses relevant to Cellular Biology, Endocrinology, Diabetology, Metabolism, Nutrition and Diet to medical students and in addition to doctors specializing in Endocrinology, post-graduate pharmacists, students of Dietology and nursing students.
In addition to tutoring at the same time he was in charge of the hospitalization of diabetic and obese patients at the hospital of the University of Toul from 1992 to 1995.
As an assistant, he was responsible for the Hospitalization sector of Medicine G (Department of Diabetology, Metabolic Diseases, Nutritional Diseases), at the University Hospital of Toul from 1992 to 1995 (Head of Department Professor P. Drouin ).
The results of his studies were presented through 66 published and oral announcements at international congresses of diabetology and endocrinology. His most important address was «Smoking habits, obesity and cardiovascular risk factors», 9th International Congress on Obesity, August 2002 Sao Paolo (one out of two oral recommendations from Greece).
He wrote 7 review articles the subject of which was diabetes and obesity, which were published in medical journals in France and Greece, the most important of which was the "Resistance to Insulin. The role of the membrane cell", Greek Diabetological Chronicles: 1995, 8. 102-114.
He has written 14 original studies, published in important medical journals, such as Lancet, Diabetic Medicine, Diabetes Care, the most important being: Hyperinsulinemia is Related to Erythrocyte Phospholipid Composition and Membrane Fluidity Changes in Obese Non- Diabetic Women. J Clin Endoc Metab : 1996, 81, 2912-2918
He returned to Greece in 1996 and initially opened a private surgery as a medical consultant in the area of Alimos
He was a consultant at the Medical Center of Athens from 1996 to 2008, in the field of Endocrinology-Metabolism-Diabetes.
He was awarded three distinctions (praise and prizes) in the context of the Pan-Hellenic Congresses on Obesity (2nd, 3rd and 4th).
In 2001 he moved his practice to Koropi, where he has been active ever since.
An important field of his research has been the study of the eating habits and lifestyle of young people in Mesogeia.
From 2014 to 2018 he was a scientific collaborator of the Electronic Journal "Medical Education".
In 2020, he went to France and for 3 years assumed a managerial position at the private clinic Center de Nutrition SSR Les Jonquilles, in Normandy with the main subjects being Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus, Malnutrition and Sarcopenia.
In 2023 he returned to Greece and alongside the private practice is a partner Endocrinologist at Metropolitan General and scientific head of Endocrinology at Healthspot of the HHG group (Hellenic Healthcare Group).
At the beginning of 2023, his medicine book entitled: "Antioxidants, Who, Where, How",
the product of a two-year study, was published by "Athenian Science Publisher".
He is actively involved in the popularization of scientific medical knowledge with articles in newspapers and magazines, interviews on radio and television stations, lectures and regular updates from social electronic networks (FB).